
Here you can select the services you are interested in to get a quote. For each omic layer, you can request an experimental service, a data analysis service, a results interpretation service individually, or any combination of them. If the options below do not suit your needs or you prefer to describe your scientific problem directly, you can use the text area at the bottom of this page.

Proteomics with Relative Quantification

Olink Target 96 allow for simultaneous analysis of 88 proteins in the NPX relative quantification unit. You can choose from 14 human and 1 mouse panels built for specific disease areas or key biology processes (Cardiometabolic, Immuno-Oncology, Neurology, Oncology, Inflammation, and Biological process) (for more information).

From biological samples to data
From data to results
From results to the main biological findings

Proteomics with Absolute Quantification

Compared to Target 96, in Olink® Target 48 the results are reported in standard concentration units (pg/mL) or relative quantification (NPX units). It allows for simultaneous analysis of 45 proteins from 1 human panel (for more information).

From biological samples to data
From data to results
From results to the main biological findings

RNA sequencing

RNA sequencing is the best way to explore the whole transcriptome of a pool of cells. At Probiomics, we offer the third generation of sequencing provided by Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). Unlike traditional RNA-seq techniques, ONT long reads sequencing allows accurate quantification and characterisation of full-length transcripts, which is crucial to unambiguously identify splice variants and fusion transcripts (for more information). Starting from 100k cells or 50ng of total RNA, we offer a complete workflow producing ready-to-use material for publication.

From biological samples to data
From data to results
From results to the main biological findings

Targeted Transcriptomics (Fluidigm Biomark®)

If you are only interested in evaluating the expression of a restricted set of genes given a limited number of cells, then our solution for you is Fluidigm technology. Using a microfluidic approach, Fluidigm Biomark allows performing over 9000 real-time PCR (qPCR) reactions per run allowing the simultaneous analysis of 96 genes (for more information).

From biological samples to data
From data to results
From results to the main biological findings

Whole Genome and DNA methylatation sequencing

Oxford Nanopore sequencing is the only technology that directly identifies base modifications at single nucleotide resolution along with the nucleotidic sequence. The unique experimental difference is the starting amount of DNA: 5ng for DNA-seq alone (PCR workflow) and 1000ng to also detect the base modifications (PCR-free workflow). If you have enough DNA, we will perform the PCR-free workflow also if you are interested only in whole genome sequencing. In this way, in the future, you could extract epigenetic information from the raw data.

From biological samples to data
From data to results
From results to the main biological findings

From biological samples to data
From data to results
this is the most frequent end studied DNA modification

recently discovered to be also present in the human genome, its analysis is more expensive than 5mC and 5hmC due to its very high computational power needs
From results to the main biological findings
From biological samples to data
From data to results
this is the most frequent end studied DNA modification

recently discovered to be also present in the human genome, its analysis is more expensive than 5mC and 5hmC due to its very high computational power needs
From results to the main biological findings

Cell frequencies

Through Flow Cytometry we are able to quantify (CytoFLEX) and sort (BD FACSAria IIcs) different types of cells in a biological sample using membrane and intracellular proteins as markers. FACS-based sorting can be coupled with transcriptome analysis performed using a targeted (Fluidigm, Biomark ®) or untargeted (RNA-seq) approach.

From biological samples to data
From data to results
From results to the main biological findings

Data Analysis Services not included in the previous options

If you have data that came out from other platforms or you need to just analyse a numeric table independently of the recording method, here we list a selection of possible data analyses we can provide. If you do not find what you are looking for here or if you have specific needs, you can use the text box below to describe your scientific project.

Descriptive statistics, Exploratory data analysis (including e.g. PCA, Clustering, and Distribution analysis)
Basic + Differential analysis between groups, Correlation, and Regression analyses
Medium + Network analyses, Multivariate regression models, and Machine Learning approaches (applicable on a sample size > 100)
if you have a list of genes, proteins, or genomic regions, and you want an overview of their biological functions
if you have a list of sequences and you want to measure their phylogenetic distance

to identify cell fractions within bulk RNA-seq data
if you have data from a biological system and you want to test a mechanistic hypothesis